Mutag BioChip 30 Project

An important project in the far east was completed by AdMaiora thanks to the precious collaboration of the German company MUTAG which supplied over 100 cubic meters of MBBR BioChip 30, a high-performance biofilm carrier for MBBR/IFAS applications. Professionalism and organization of the supplier, together with the ease of communication that was created immediately, allowed the execution of the project in a very short time, as requested by the customer.

Mutag BioChip™ is used for the immobilization of microorganisms which are in charge of the different biological water treatment processes for challenging industrial and municipal wastewater. The treatment processes are aerobic and/or anaerobic/ anoxic and can remove even very large pollutant loads in small footprint systems. This means that the treatment tanks can be made much smaller than with traditional plants, and existing plants can be optimized, furthermore reducing energy consumption and thereby total costs significantly.

Large active surface area
Microorganisms need a high and fully available protected surface area for highly efficient biological water and wastewater treatment. It is not the volume of carrier, but the area of the active protected surface which is important.
The large surface area of the Mutag BioChip™ (up to 5,500 m2/m3) provides extremely high removal rates and process stability, especially in nitrification, COD removal and denitrification.

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